Tony Wisniewski

1. Tell us a little about yourself and your family, how long you have lived in the area, and your occupation.

I am finishing my second term as a member of the Idaho House of Representatives for the Post Falls area (the new District 5). My voting record is conservative, having earned a mid-90s rating by the American Conservative Union for the last three years.

2. Do you have experience as an elected official and if so what was your position and how would you describe your voting record?

I have been involved in local Republican activities since 2008 when I successfully ran for Precinct Committeeman. I was elected as Vice Chairman of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) in 20ti0 and served in that capacity under three Chairmen. I had to give up that position when I was elected as a State Representative. However, I am still a Committeeman for Precinct 63. I am well known for actively serving in my precinct by getting out the vote.

Although never a member of the State Central Committee, I have attended almost all the Summer Meetings, Winter Meetings, and Conventions of the State Party from 2008 to the present.

I did vote for one independent presidential candidate decades ago.

3. Please tell us about your activity as a Republican. Have you previously voted for those of other parties? If so explain.

The fundamental purpose of government is to defend the God-given rights of the citizenry. The government should also promote virtue and hold those who violate the law accountable by providingrestitution to their victims. The government must also provide for the public safety by incarcerating those who are a danger to society.

The government has well defined roles and limits and must restrain itself to operate within those limits. The Federal and State governments have their powers specifically listed in their respective constitutions.

4. Describe why you are running for this particular Office and what are the qualifications and goals that you have. What is the purpose of government, in your own words?

The liberties of Idaho’s citizens have been seriously curtailed in the last two years. States of emergency were repeatedly proclaimed in violation of State statutes. Businesses were arbitrarily shut down, many of which have never reopened. Curfews were established in many areas. The First Amendment protected rights of worship and assembly were disregarded. There are intrusions into private medical issues, such as the quarantine of healthy individuals, forced masking, and inoculation as a condition of employment. These issues are within the authority of the Idaho Legislature to reduce their onerous impacts on our lives.

My goals are to promote good laws, oppose bad laws, and to be a responsible steward of the public treasury.

5. Describe the areas where you are or have been engaged in organizations, clubs or churches where you have been of service to others?

I have held all the officer positions of the local chapter of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. One of our activities was to encourage youth to accompany our monthly tours of manufacturing facilities in the Spokane – Coeur d’Alene region to give them a perspective of the many varied professions available in the area. We also held an annual Student Paper competition amongst local university students, with scholarships of several thousand dollars.

I served as an industry representative on a local Career and Technical Education (CTE) Commi\ee for several years. We acted in an advisory capacity to identify and recommend technical programs for grade schools and high schools to align with the business needs of industry. We worked to reduce barriers for high school students (minors) to work in apprentice programs. We also coordinated with school districts to assist students when they visited the local technical community college.

I am a member of a fraternal organization at my church whose primary object is to profoundly understand and then promote reverence for the Holy Name of God. We also actively coordinate and participate in other projects within our church community.

6. Do you describe yourself as Fiscally Conservative? If so how?

I believe that power is inherent in individuals by the created nature of their being, and when societies were formed some of that power was relinquished to the clan, village, city, province, and finally the state (nation). Each subdivision has legitimate functions and duties that cannot be performed by a lower unit. These functions require monetary support from the citizens. These taxes must be collected in a fair and non-onerous fashion, and it is necessary in justice not to extract any more in fees and taxes than is absolutely essential.

Governments must understand the source of their authority and act accordingly.

To get a feeling for my views on excessive government spending, please refer to the following.

7. Do you consider yourself Socially Conservative? If so how?

I believe that laws should be administered faithfully, justly, and without selectivity. The Judeo-Christian rules of morality, along with Natural Law, should form the basis for these laws. Private property is essential to personal freedom, and therefore protection of one’s property is essential. Forced charity, i.e., the welfare state, not only unjustly takes from a worker and gives to another but encourages sloth, dependency, and a sense of victimhood. Churches and other charitable organizations have always responded to the needs of the unfortunate.

I support the Christian social principle of subsidiarity, which states that issues should be handled at the lowest societal/governmental level that is competent to handle them. For instance, the discipline of children should be the responsibility of the parent. Education should be selected by parents, including the right to educate their children in the home. Defense of property and the safety of citizens should be a local ma\er. Defense of the nation cannot be performed competently by local groups and is thereby one of the few powers granted to the Federal government. This principle can be applied to any other set of circumstances.

I believe in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

8. Which Party Platform best aligns with your positions on public policy (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Constitution Party) and where do you disagree with that Platform?

I have not read the platforms of the Libertarian or Constitution party because I believe these parties have not demonstrated their viability in the public arena. I have read the Democratic and Republican State Party platforms and align with the Republicans.

In a previous questionnaire I expressed disagreement with the 20ti4 Republican platform. I am pleased to say that I was present at a State Party Meeting several years ago when the Party made several changes and perfected its position on abortion:

2014 Platform
Sec. 3 Right to Life

    1. We strongly encourage adoption as an alternative to abortion and support legislation that expands opportunities and provides assistance to the adoptive process.

    2. We reaffirm our support for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and for the rights of the unborn child. We oppose abortion based on sex selection, convenience, or as a method of birth control.

    3. We oppose partial birth abortion and support legislation to abolish this practice.

    4. We support parental consent for minors to obtain an abor2on. (Emphasis added)

    5. We oppose the use of federal or state tax funds to aid in the destruction of human life.

    6. We oppose the use of Idaho taxpayer funds to finance so called "health" abortions.

2020 Platform
Sec. 3 Right to Life

  1. We affirm that abortion is murder from the moment of fertilization. All children should be protected regardless of the circumstances of conception, including persons conceived in rape and incest. The federal judiciary has played the tyrant in dozens of Supreme Court pro-abortion opinions since Roe v. Wade, and Idaho has the sovereign authority to defy the federal judiciary and to criminalize all murders by abortion within the state’s jurisdiction.

  2. We strongly encourage adoption as an alternative to abortion and support legislation that expands opportunities and provides assistance to the adoptive process.

  3. We reaffirm our support for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and for the rights of the unborn child. We oppose abortion based on sex selection, convenience, or as a method of birth control.

  4. We oppose partial birth abortion and we support legislation to abolish this practice.

  5. We oppose all abortion. (Emphasis added)

  6. We oppose the expenditure of any Idaho taxpayer funds by any unit of government, including federal, state, county, and municipal government, to any provider of abortion and strongly support legislation to enact the same.

9. Do you have any history of tax liens, criminal record or conflict of interest which may affect your future decisions?

I have had no liens of any kind, no criminal record, bankruptcies, or conflicts of interest.

10. Please describe how you will make yourself available to your Constituents and vote as their Representative with fortitude, adhering to the values you have stated above?

I am available to converse with constituents through most regular means such as letters, emails, office visits and phone calls, social media, town hall meetings, candidate forums, and other public events. In addition, my personal phone number is listed on my business card. Many individuals have been surprised when I answer my phone, expecting to be greeted by my staff. I cheerfully explain that they are speaking to my staff!

On social and cultural issues, my votes are directed first and foremost by moral principles. As such, it is easy to predict how I will vote on a particular bill. The public must understand that we vote on the details of each bill, not the title of the bill. For example, if I vote against an “anti-abortion” bill, it does not mean that I am for abortion, but rather there are serious flaws in the bill that I cannot support.

Many times, my vote can go against the grain of moderate legislators.

The second category of bills involves appropriations of funds. Too many times it appears that some of my colleagues ask the question, “Can we afford this project?” instead of the most important question, “Is it within the proper role of government for us to be involved in this project?” I use as a guide the US and Idaho Constitutions, such works as Frederic Bastiat’s “The Law”, Ezra TaM Benson’s “The Proper Role of Government”, and those of the Founding Fathers.


Carl Bjerke


Doug Okuniewicz