Dale Gibboney

Name: Dale Gibboney

Position Running For: County Commissioner

Phone: (208) 714-7673

Address: 1390 E WARM SPRINGS AVE, Post Falls, Id 83854, United States

Website: http://www.DaleForCommissioner.com


Email: Dale@DaleForCommissioner.com

Tell us a little about yourself and your family, how long you have lived in the area and your occupation.: My wife Terry and I moved here in 2019 from Calif. after we retired. We have 6 children (all grown adults) and 9 grandchildren. I was a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department for 12 years. I left the department to pursue a career in corporate aviation as a pilot and flew all around the world for Time Warner for 27 years.

1. Do you have experience as an elected official and if so, what was your position, and how would you describe your voting record?: I have never run for public office until now. However, I have lots of experience with politics. As a police officer I have seen both the good and bad side of politics. As a citizen, I have witnessed and been affected by the bad decisions made by our government and how they can hurt and even destroy businesses and jobs.

2. Please tell us about your activity as a Republican. Have you previously voted for candidates of other parties? If yes, explain.: I’ve been a registered Republican nearly all my life. For a few years I was registered as an Independent. I’ve never voted for anyone other than a Republican. But, I have held my nose a few times voting for the Republican candidate.

3. What is the purpose of government?: I would defer to the US Constitution: :”To form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

The Idaho State Constitution reminds us:
“All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform or abolish the same whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the legislature.”

4. Describe why you are running for this particular office. What are your qualifications? What are your goals?: I’m not just a Republican; I’m a conservative. A few years back I was talking to someone who still lives in Calif. (a DINK). I was complaining about the state of our Country. He said, “Why don’t you just sit back and enjoy Idaho and your hobbies?” My reply, “Because I want my grandchildren to grow up and enjoy the freedoms I have had and understand why we have them.” At the rate we are going the Constitution will cease to exist along with our freedoms. Our Country as a Constitutional Republic is being dismantled.
If we are going to stop this and take back our Country it needs to start at the local level. The school board and the board of trustees at the colleges might very well be even more important than the office of the President. We need to encourage local involvement to take back our school boards, city councils and county board of commissioners, etc.

My qualifications: I have drive and determination as well common sense which are my greatest strengths. At LAPD I became the Chief Pilot at Air Support Division. I managed the training of all the new pilots and was responsible for doing check rides with approximately 35 line pilots to ensure they stayed proficient in all the emergency procedures in the helicopters and airplane. I was the Chief Pilot at Time Warner at our Burbank flight department. I managed 13 pilots and 5 flight attendants. I oversaw a training budget of more than $500,000. There was no way I could do all the jobs at our flight department; so, I learned how delegate jobs and oversee the projects.

My goal is make sure the County budget is spent in the best way to benefit the citizens of the County. To me, the number one item is public safety. The County has thrown away money trying to save money. Staff at KCSD has been underpaid, making it a revolving door. KCSD hires and trains new deputies and dispatchers; they then leave to go to higher paying departments. This costs the County valuable time and money only to repeat the process. To save money the commissioners decided to not complete the jail extension so they could save 2 or 3 million dollars. It is now going to cost 7 to 9 million dollars to complete. These are just a few examples of wasteful spending and the lack of planning for the future.

The Board of Commissioners needs to collect impact fees. The local cities are refusing to do that for the County. There must be more than one way to make that happen. The Idaho legislature needs to change some laws to allow the taxing agencies to collect more money from impact fees. Shouldering all the burden on property taxes will eventually destroy the County infrastructure and increase the burden on the property owners. This is not sustainable. The new growth needs to pay for itself.

5. Describe experiences where you are or have been engaged such as non-profit organizations, clubs, churches, boards, commissions, etc., where you have been of service to others.: I was a deacon at the La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church. My ministry was helping to stock a local food bank that was supported by several churches in the area. I helped to gathering food for Thanksgiving & Christmas dinners for those in the community that were in need.

I was a Reserve Police Officer for the City of La Verne, Calif. (the city I lived in for 40 plus years).

I was a member of the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) at Cable airport in Upland, Calif. I donated my time and airplane to give rides to kids to introduce them to aviation, give some instruction on what makes an airplane fly, etc. Most of the kids had never been in an airplane before and the excitement shown on their faces must have been how I looked at age 10 when I got my first ride in a small general aviation airplane (which cemented my desire to fly).

I flew for Angels Wings West. This was an organization that had volunteer pilots (who used their own airplane and paid for their own fuel) to transport people from point A to B. This was normally from their home airport to a location where they received special medical care that was not available to them locally. On one flight, I flew a lady from San Diego to Seattle to get away from an abusive relationship. Another time, I flew a teenager with cancer to a special summer camp for kids with cancer. All the flights were made with my volunteer time, my airplane and fuel expense.
I was an assistant coach for little league baseball for one year and volunteered as an umpire for one season.
I taught an aviation ground school for Pasadena City College. Although, this was a paid position the pay was so low that it seemed like a volunteer spot.

6. Do you describe yourself as fiscally conservative? Please, elaborate.: I have always lived within my means. The idea that our country is now in debit to the tune of over 33 trillion dollars is sad. Both the democrats and the republicans keep spending money like they have it to spend. And, then they want to cut back the Social Security and Medicare programs. Those are programs that the government forced the American people to pay into. Politicians are using taxpayer money to buy votes. One of the reasons I left Calif is because of the way they spend the tax money. In a four year period, from 2018 to 2022, Calif. spent 17.5 billion dollars on the homeless (drug addicts). During that same period the homeless population increased to 170,000 (about the population of Kootenai County, all living on the streets of Calif.).

The PG&E (Power, Gas, Electric) the major utility in northern Calif. has donated millions of dollars to Governor Newsom’s campaign and to his wife’s non-profit corporation. PG&E had already cut funding for major maintenance and repair to electrical lines which lead to huge wild fires and the deaths of many people, while others lost their homes and livelihoods.

At the same time major defunding of the police in the major Calif. cities was occurring. Those are some examples of the kind of politicians and policies which are not needed in our Federal, State or local governments.

Calif was 58 Billion dollars in debt when Biden took office. Biden bailed Calif out with taxpayer’s money. Just a few years later, Calif is now 63 billion dollars in debit. Governments must live within its means!!! I don’t want Idaho to become Calif. I’ve seen firsthand what democrat policies have done.

7. Do you consider yourself as socially conservative? Please elaborate.: There are so many different names for conservatives these days. I don’t know if I fit any one description. I do believe in God and family values. I was in Japan an on a tour to see the cherry blossoms. While riding the train someone asked our Japanese guide why there was no graffiti on the trains. She said, “WHO WOULD DO THAT, THEY WOULD EMBARRASS NOT ONLY THEMSELVES BUT THEIR FAMILIES.” The family is the foundation for our Country. Destroy the families and our society will crumble. Our society has been undermined and is deteriorating. When our Country was founded it was based upon “IN GOD we trust,” and we prospered. Now as our citizens remove God from the center of their lives and we are becoming a failing society.

I believe the size of government should be reduced. Our federal government is operating way outside the limits of our Constitution.

The United States cannot continue to be the policeman for the world. We spent many years sending our best young men (58,000) to die in Vietnam. In the end, what was gained? Then we had another war in Afghanistan which lasted 20 years, again killing thousands of our fine young men to no avail.

I’m opposed to illegal immigration and paying the illegals billion of dollars that should be spent on Americans or given back to the taxpayers. I believe the same regarding government welfare programs. Our local communities should be able to take care of those in need, with a few exceptions.

8. Describe which party platform best aligns with your positions on public policy (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Constitutional Party) and where do you disagree with that platform.: I align with the Republican Party:

Today the Republican platform is very narrow. Republicans believe in liberty, economic prosperity, preserving American values and traditions, and restoring the American dream for every citizen of this great nation.
Gone is the statement of being fiscally conservative. Republicans have been voting for every budget increase which keeps taking our debt higher and higher (now at 33 trillion dollars). This spending is not sustainable.
I see no attempt to cut the size of government by the Republican Party.

9. Do you have any history of tax liens, criminal record, bankruptcy or conflict of interest that may affect your future decisions or desirability to be voted into office?: No, I have never had any tax liens. I do not have a criminal or arrest record. I have never filed bankruptcy. I have no conflict of interest of which I am aware.

10.Describe how you will make yourself available to your constituents and vote as their representative with FORTITUDE, adhering to the values and answers you have stated above.: I believe it is important that the public be informed of all the public matters. We must strive to be as transparent as possible. This can be accomplished by attending town hall events, newspaper articles, blogs, etc. I will not abandon my conservative values; yet, I will listen with an open mind.


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