Marc Eberlein

Name: Marc Eberlein

Position Running For: County Commissioner District 1

Phone: (208) 277-6014

Address: 3010 N Callary St, Post Falls, Idaho 83854, United States




Tell us a little about yourself and your family, how long you have lived in the area and your occupation.: Married 45 years, wife passed May 2023, 4 children, 13 grand children. Resided in Kootenai County 22 years. Current occupation semi-retired. Former occupations; inventor/patent holder, cabinet shop owner 1996-2012, part time gunsmith, Alaska fishing/machinist 1yr, logging 18 yr,

1. Do you have experience as an elected official and if so, what was your position, and how would you describe your voting record?:

Staunch Conservative. Experience Kootenai County Commissioner Dist 1, 2015-2018, Chairman 2017-2018; served on the District Magistrate Commission, BoD Idaho Assn. of Counties, BoD CdA Basin Commission (BEIPC) BoD Jobs Plus - CDA Econ. Dev. Council, BoD KCEMSS Joint Powers Board (ambulance),BoD Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization, BoD North Idaho Crisis Center

2. Please tell us about your activity as a Republican. Have you previously voted for candidates of other parties? If yes, explain.:

I am a registered Republican and vote Republican.

3. What is the purpose of government?:

What should be done by government and what should be done by private enterprise? The Founding Fathers wrestled with this question. Our Declaration of Independence articulates that our Rights “are endowed by (our) Creator” and “That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” The preamble of The Constitution tells us its purpose is to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty.” These, therefore are the reasons our government should be focused on these tasks.
To explore how government and private enterprise apply to practical matters in our community, jails for example:
There have been discussions over the years about privatizing the Jail. Jails are necessary to insure domestic tranquility as they provide a powerful deterrence against crime. Jails are expensive to build and to operate so it is in the interest of society to have only as much jail as is needed. There is a motivation to keep jails small and to incarcerate as few citizens as necessary. If the Jail were to be privatized then the Jail becomes a business and while the free market may be able to house prisoners at a lower cost, it would, like all businesses want to grow and house as many prisoners as possible. This can create a financial incentive working against the equal application of justice. Also, a private jail would require the county grant a monopoly to the jail operator. This would limit the county’s options when the time came to renew the contract. Finally, jails are monuments to the moral shortcomings of some residents. Making a profit from this unfortunate reality would itself be immoral. If on the other hand, if people still adhered to the principals of the Founding Fathers, this form of government only works with a moral and religious people, privately owned jails could be operated justly.

4. Describe why you are running for this particular office. What are your qualifications? What are your goals?:

IMO, I perceive that Kootenai County is at risk of financial woes. Having watched a recent Commissioner online video arguing about the pro/con putting forth a ballot to the voters to consider a $50,000,000 bond preserving the Prairie for future (Smart?) growth; and secondly arguing the cost of an ill proposed new jail construction the funding for which could possibly bankrupt the county. In 2018 I spearheaded a $12 million jail pod expansion that came in under budget...a battle royal with a previous sheriff who advocated a private jail instead.

5. Describe experiences where you are or have been engaged such as non-profit organizations, clubs, churches, boards, commissions, etc., where you have been of service to others.:

Active in my church. Usher 22 years.
As above in item 1; served on the District Magistrate Commission, BoD Idaho Assn. of Counties, BoD CdA Basin Commission (BEIPC) BoD Jobs Plus - CDA Econ. Dev. Council, BoD KCEMSS Joint Powers Board (ambulance),BoD Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization, BoD North Idaho Crisis Center

6. Do you describe yourself as fiscally conservative? Please, elaborate.:

Yes. Any activity performed by any governmental entity should only be done if absolutely necessary for the need of the people whom they serve, fiscally or otherwise. Any activity that can be done by the private sector should be done by the private sector. If private sector does activities for the sake of government/the peoples needs, great oversight is essential.

7. Do you consider yourself as socially conservative? Please elaborate.:

Yes, if you are alluding to abortion, homosexual activities, sex education outside the home, and other perversions

8. Describe which party platform best aligns with your positions on public policy (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Constitutional Party) and where do you disagree with that platform.:

Republican platform of Idaho is one of the best in the USA. The Idaho Rino faction only pretends to be Republican

9. Do you have any history of tax liens, criminal record, bankruptcy or conflict of interest that may affect your future decisions or desirability to be voted into office?:


10.Describe how you will make yourself available to your constituents and vote as their representative with FORTITUDE, adhering to the values and answers you have stated above.:

In my prior 4 year tenure of Kootenai County Commissioner I never backed down from a fight. I was available to all constituents regardless. I intend to do the same if elected again. My goal is to get Kootenai County back on track of fiscal responsibility and proper function of government.


Leslie Duncan


John Padula