Name: Paul Mahlow

Position Running For: KSSWCD

Phone: (208) 512-7558

Address: 1731 E. Stratford Dr., Hayden Lake, ID 83835, United States




Tell us a little about yourself and your family, how long you have lived in the area and your occupation.: My wife and I have been married 54 years and have nine grown children and 22 grandchildren.We moved to Idaho to be near my wife's parents about eight years ago following my retirement from the defense industry. I am a veteran and served in Vietnam.

1. Do you have experience as an elected official and if so, what was your position, and how would you describe your voting record?: No

2. Please tell us about your activity as a Republican. Have you previously voted for candidates of other parties? If yes, explain.: I have voted Republican since voting for Jimmy Carter, my last mistake voting for a Democrat. I vote every election and have worked at the election polls for local and national elections.

3. What is the purpose of government?: Government is to defend the God given rights our founders documented for us in the U.S. Constitution and enable the defense of the nation in times of war.

4. Describe why you are running for this particular office. What are your qualifications? What are your goals?: I was asked to runoff this position. Beyond diligence and a work ethic I am not sure of my qualifications.

5. Describe experiences where you are or have been engaged such as non-profit organizations, clubs, churches, boards, commissions, etc., where you have been of service to others.: I have no specific public service experience.

6. Do you describe yourself as fiscally conservative? Please, elaborate.: Yes. Government should be as small as possible and tax increase questions should be voted by tax payers. People and government must be accountable for their financial choices and decisions.

7. Do you consider yourself as socially conservative? Please elaborate.: Yes- one female wife and nine children. I believe in the sanctity of life including the unborn. I am a believing Christian.

8. Describe which party platform best aligns with your positions on public policy (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Constitutional Party) and where do you disagree with that platform.: The Republican Party best aligns with my beliefs and political positions though I was disappointed with the changes about abortion and aberrant behaviors.

9. Do you have any history of tax liens, criminal record, bankruptcy or conflict of interest that may affect your future decisions or desirability to be voted into office?: No

10.Describe how you will make yourself available to your constituents and vote as their representative with FORTITUDE, adhering to the values and answers you have stated above.:I will set up a website and email to address public inquiries answering questions truthfully.


Richard Meyer


Gregory McKenzie