Wes Evans

Name: Wes Evans

Position Running For: Kootenai-Shoshone Soil & Water Conservation Supervisor

Phone: (208) 231-5251

Address: 16411 S Francis Faire Rd, Worley, ID 83876-8629, United States



Email: wesandrandi@gmail.com

Tell us a little about yourself and your family, how long you have lived in the area and your occupation.: My wife and I have been residents of Kootenai County for 32 years. We have been married for 48 years. Together we have 3 married children and 10 grandchildren. My wife and I are "semi" retired.

1. Do you have experience as an elected official and if so, what was your position, and how would you describe your voting record?: I was elected for the position of Kootenai-Shoshone Soil & Water Conservation supervisor in 2020 and have served as the treasurer this past year.

2. Please tell us about your activity as a Republican. Have you previously voted for candidates of other parties? If yes, explain.: No never.

3. What is the purpose of government?: Purpose of government is to reward good and punish evil

4. Describe why you are running for this particular office. What are your qualifications? What are your goals?: I endorse the preservation and strengthening of the family farm unit as the foundation of agriculture and one of the basic strengths of our nation. I own/operate a hay ranch with Red Angus cattle for the past 36 years.

5. Describe experiences where you are or have been engaged such as non-profit organizations, clubs, churches, boards, commissions, etc., where you have been of service to others.: My wife and I volunteer each year with a children's camp through our church in partnership with the Union Gospel Mission. We are involved in leadership with our church's Freedom Ministries.

6. Do you describe yourself as fiscally conservative? Please, elaborate.: Our ranch, home, and possession are paid in full. we have ZERO dept. I believe ALL government should operate on a balanced budget.

7. Do you consider yourself as socially conservative? Please elaborate.: I am a follower of Jesus Christ, thus my worldview is set in biblical values of life, family and stewardship of God's creation. I believe in the documents of our founding father's and hold to a Federalist Republic form of government.

8. Describe which party platform best aligns with your positions on public policy (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Constitutional Party) and where do you disagree with that platform.: Republican - no disagreement

9. Do you have any history of tax liens, criminal record, bankruptcy or conflict of interest that may affect your future decisions or desirability to be voted into office?: No

10.Describe how you will make yourself available to your constituents and vote as their representative with FORTITUDE, adhering to the values and answers you have stated above.:I am available by phone or email to answer any constituent concerns


Leslie Duncan


Phil Hart