KCRCC's Statement Concerning the Brittany Pettibone Resolution.

KCRCC's statement concerning the Brittany Pettibone Resolution


The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee's policy positions are articulated in our State Party Platform. In there you will find we support the rule of law, that people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and that the freedom of political speech is a fundamental, God given right. As the Party of Lincoln we are extremely committed to the words of Martin Luther King that “…people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”  


After our regular agenda was published we were approached with a late request to allow a local Republican, Brittany Pettibone to address the committee regarding an issue with her fiancé Martin Sellner.   What was generally known at the time was that she was a constituent, a Republican and had an issue with the US government.  The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee firmly believes all citizens have the right to petition their government for redress.   I gave her permission to address the committee before our formal meeting started.  


Later in the meeting there was a motion made noting Martin Sellner had broken no law in Austria or the US and was not under any known investigation, therefore the motion encouraged the US government to “…reinstate Martin Sellner's travel privileges…”


Under the bylaws of our Committee, any committeeman can make any motion during our meetings and if there is a second the motion must be considered by the committee.  At the conclusion of debate a voice vote was taken and it was the determination of the chairman that the motion carried.  Several members simply abstained for various reasons including some that did not know the details of the issue.


To be absolutely clear, the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee condemns all forms of racism and bigotry.  The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee also condemns all forms of political violence and intimidation practiced by groups like ANTIFA, Indivisible and Reclaim Idaho, including publishing personal information (doxxing), intimidating employers, preventing the exercise of free speech, violent protests, property destruction and physical assault.


Brent Regan

Chairman KCRCC


Final Legislator Town Hall


April Meeting of the KCRCC.