CDA Health Corridor Vote Tonight (12/3) - 6 pm - CDA Library

Coeur d'Alene City Council to vote on the Health Corridor Urban Renewal Project

Coeur d'Alene might have another Urban Renewal District...why?

When a Urban Renewal District is created it "freezes the tax revenue to the city and county. The tax from any incremental increase in value goes to the Urban Renewal District. The city and county receive no additional revenue to pay for the service demands of the growth. Everyone else pays more.

It has been estimated that the unincorporated county residents pay an extra 7% in taxes to backfill for the Urban Renewal Districts. City residents pay more than that." County wide, property taxes were increased 3%. The city of Coeur d'Alene has increased property taxes 3%.

How much is this proposed Health Corridor going to increase property taxes?

Consider attending the Coeur d'Alene City Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd. 6 pm at the Coeur d'Alene Library in the Community Room downstairs.

***Interesting items on the agenda: To approve the purchase of a statue for $7,100.