Common Core Hearings in Boise This Week!

Tomorrow, the House Education Committee will take up the issue, starting with the English Language Arts portion. The panel will handle math standards on Thursday, and science standards on Monday. 

Lawmakers need to hear from you! We know the teachers union is mobilizing its people for this battle. 

- Email lawmakers. I know hundreds of you cannot attend the hearings, but lawmakers still need to hear you speak up. To share your thoughts with legislators, simply email and outline your opposition to Common Core. Again, please be respectful. Share points concisely, as lawmakers receive a ton of email. They may only read your message for a few seconds. 

- Post to social media and encourage your friends and neighbors to also send an email.  

 RESOURCES: Common Core ELA standards hearing Facebook event page 

Common Core math standards hearing Facebook event page 

 Common Core science standards hearing Facebook event page

(H/T: IFF for the information)