Let your opinion be known on in-person voting. 

The Idaho State Affairs Group is discussing CHANGING ELECTION LAW in Idaho to accommodate the COVID issue. Which includes a mail-in only option for November 3rd. They need to hear from everyone.
This is not a one size fits all situation.

One problem is there aren't enough poll workers. Volunteer to be a poll workers in Kootenai County.

 Click here to apply to be a poll worker.

Email you opinion to:
Idaho State Senator Steve Vick - SJVick@senate.idaho.gov
Idaho State Senator Mary Souza - MSouza@senate.idaho.gov
Idaho State Representative Vito Barbieri - VBar@house.idaho.gov
Idaho State Representative Heather Scott - HScott@house.idaho.gov
Head of State Affairs Group - sharris@house.idaho.gov

Idaho State Representative Randy Armstrong - ARmstrong@house.idaho.gov

Idaho State Representative Brent Crane - BCrane@house.idaho.gov