Two Things Idahoans can do to "STOP THE STEAL".

We need to ask Idaho Attorney General Wasden to join the Texas Attorney General in the lawsuit against the states of GA, WI, PA and MI, for their unconstitutional behavior regarding the 2020 election. It would be advantageous for more states to join the effort to "stop the steal."

Two things Idahoans can do to "STOP THE STEAL".

1) We encourage you and all your fellow patriots to call Idaho Attorney General Wasden, at 208-334-2400 (office hours are 10 am to 2 pm MST). If you are not able to call, then please fill out the contact form on the Idaho Attorney General webpage

2) Sign the online petition that two Idaho State Representatives have created to urge Wasden to join the lawsuit. This link is to sign the petition -