Resolution in Opposition to the Impeachment of Donald Trump, Private Citizen

Passed last night at the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee meeting, by a unanimous vote:

Resolution in Opposition to the Impeachment of Donald Trump, Private Citizen

Whereas, The Constitution provides for elected officials to be removed from office by impeachment; and

Whereas, the Democrats in the House of Representatives have twice abused the power of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump as a political tool and without a substantiating legal basis; and

Whereas, as of noon January 20th 2021, Donald Trump became a private citizen; and

Whereas, no private citizen has ever been impeached; and

Whereas, efforts to impeach former President Trump can be rightly viewed as venal, vindictive and counter to the very principles of justice enumerated in the Constitution of the United States of America and cherished by Republicans and all true Americans; and

Whereas, it has been proposed that, should a trial be held in the Senate, the vote be secret so that senators can hide their positions from the source of their political authority, their constituents.

Therefore, Be it Resolved: That the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee calls on Senators Crapo and Risch to publicly oppose conducting an un-Constitutional impeachment trial of private citizen Donald Trump; and

Be it Further Resolved: That the KCRCC calls on Senators Crapo and Risch to publicly declare their opposition to any secret ballot should such trial occur; and

Be it Further Resolved: That the KCRCC calls on Senators Crapo and Risch to publicly declare that they will vote against conviction should such trial occur; and

Be it Further Resolved: That the Secretary of the Kootenai County Central Committee forwards this resolution, as soon as practically possible, to Senator Crapo and Senator Risch and to local media outlets.

Passed and Adopted this 26th day of January, 2021.