A Return to Constitutional Order

A Resolution in Support of a Return to Constitutional Order

WHEREAS, ON February 11th 2021, the Bonneville County Republican Central Committee passed a Resolution Supporting Return to Constitutional Order by Revocation of Emergency Declaration; and

WHEREAS, the adopted resolution is attached to this resolution as an addendum.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) endorses and applauds the resolution and joins our sister county in calling for our elected state Representatives and Senators to immediately reclaim their constitutional law-making authority by ending the emergency executive declaration so that all COIVD-19 matter will be dealt with through the regular constitutional order of the legislative process, and reclaim the power to call the legislature back into session by majority vote; and

BE IT FUTHER RESOLVE, that the KCRCC joins our friends in Bonneville County calling upon Idaho’s Republican governor to immediately revoke his emergency declaration and immediately cease attempts at retaining extra-constitutional authority; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the KCRCC also states unequivocally that (1) we support and uphold the principles of limited government espoused in the Republican Party Platform, (2) we expect all elected officials who identify themselves with the Republican name to do the same and (3) will in the future consider censure of any elected official who refuses to support the immediate revocation of the current COVD-19 emergency declaration; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the KCRCC Secretary shall immediately forward this resolution to the state legislators of the 5 northern counties, to the Governor and to Chairman Fuller of Bonneville County Republican Central Committee.

(The addendum is not a part of this post.)


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