Equality of Opportunity in Education

A Resolution in Support of Equality of Opportunity in Education.

WHEREAS, Americans value diversity, under is true meaning, including protecting the rights for every individual to pursue happiness; and

WHEREAS, social justice ideology based on anti-Constitutional Critical Race Theory, divides America by race, class, sex and genders and traffics in the pernicious concepts of race or gender essentialism, racial stereo typing and race-based, class-based or gender based segregation; and

WHEREAS, students cannot avoid exposure to social justice ideology, though they can avoid American history, government, and literature; and

WHEREAS, universities are building up curricula where social justice ideology is displacing education toward profession and general education; and

WHEREAS, universities in Idaho Furloughed employees due to COVID-19 cost constraints while still hiring social justice activist; and

WHEREAS, universities have created racial and gender-based biases for hiring and teacher training; and

WHEREAS, per the Idaho State Board of Education’s policies and rules, the core mission for universities includes protect academic freedom in research, teaching and learning for the purpose of the “advancement of truth” and serving the “common good”; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature has the responsibility of holding Idaho universities accountable for following their core mission.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) respectfully urges state lawmakers to vote against the state’s College and University budget should it contain funding in furtherance of social justice initiatives, staff, programs, or classes; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE, that the KCRCC Secretary shall immediately forward this resolution to all the state legislators.

Adopted by the KCRCC, February 23rd, 2021

(The addendum is not a part of this post.)


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