Limited Government Editorial

Editorial Opinion from the local press:

"Bev Twillman’s opinion hit piece reveals so much of what is wrong with liberal

politics that is destroying America. Attacking Mr. Regan as the voice behind all

Kootenai County Republican Central Committee individuals is such B.S. that the

rest of her My Turn just falls flat. Brent (a thinking and brilliant man with a long

resume of inventions and patents) loves this county, this country, freedom and

our personal rights. I have NEVER heard him support “no rules for all” as she

insists. Limited government with accountability, as our country was founded

upon, is the KCRCC philosophy. It is NOT anti-government hence the stance on

continuing (not abolishing) the current county government.

Voters currently elect 9 county officials – 3 commissioners, coroner, sheriff, prosecuting attorney,

assessor, treasurer and clerk. Brent Regan, who clearly researches facts and

information before writing any piece, cited Idaho counties larger than ours that

function well with this same form of government. Apparently his “fancy words”

(intellect) and position are considered “scary” to Ms. Twillman. Contrary to

“taking away our right to choose” as (in her fear and confusion) she says Brent

alone is trying to do, the KCRCC is fighting to keep the power in the people’s

hands with voting for and holding accountable those elected officials. A County

Manager, hired by the board, would be appointing those positions. How does

that allow the people a right to choose? It’s just another layer of government we

don’t need – and an expensive one at that.

Furthermore, her attack on Leslie Duncan is completely unfounded. I’ve listened

to Leslie answer personal and political questions during many different

gatherings. She is a strong, humble, extremely smart woman with a desire to

listen to public concerns, consider facts, research and listen again to make right

and just decisions. Her background in law enforcement and small business

ownership give her unique leadership skills that are not overrun by Mr. Regan as

suggested. Twillman’s ignorant assumptions again fall flat.

With Twillman’s false accusations of KCRCC wanting “no rules for all”

government, she crazily suggests that our area will become lawless, riotous,

dangerous, etc. if we elect people with ideals such as less government, more

responsibility, supporting and defending the Constitution. Her list of cities we

could become like: “LA, Chicago, Seattle and Portland” made me laugh out loud.

Those cities have been under liberal DEMOCRATIC control for decades. Their

elected officials called for the police to stand down during riots that injured

people, destroyed private businesses and federal buildings! Why is she fear


KCRCC seeks to understand candidate’s backgrounds and basic ideas of

government. Does she support candidates hiding their platforms as Democrats

do? I have read the questions in the survey and it is NOT an “agree with me or

else” document. No “one” person wrote it nor is it “pass or fail.” Go online to view candidate answers

which are broad in background and life experience. Many are engaging because

for far too long conservatives have allowed local elected positions to be taken

over by the liberal left.

Answers to the “Why do you want to run for this position”

are predominantly focused on love for their community, county and country and

realization that the liberal leadership has lead to this current progressive socialist

agenda overtaking our amazing Constitutional Republic. Oh the liberals always say

that’s “conspiracy theory” but more people than you realize see and know the


By the way, go to the John Birch Society website for the truth “less government, more responsibility, support and defend the Constitution” if you’d like something other than a

Wikipedia/liberal/media distorted version. God open the eyes of the blind.

The Democratic Party has long been the Socialist Party. (Please research socialism

and compare it to the current Democratic platform.) The growth in Idaho is

coming from states where this ultra liberal democrat socialist agenda has

destroyed freedom. Every new resident I’ve spoken to (also everyone I know who

has listened to newcomers) have come here for what they hope will be a place

that stays free – that combats the liberal/socialist destructive agenda. MANY of

them are engaging in the KCRCC meetings to understand what’s going on here

and to fight ANYTHING that will allow the, let’s say, “Portland” situation to

happen here.

They come for sanctuary from the out of control crazy

“progressive” destruction of what they once called home. California. Michigan.

Minnesota. Montana. Nevada. Oregon. Utah. WASHINGTON. Etc. DON’T

think, Ms. Twillman’s, and many others including this newspaper’s, continued

lying attacks will influence those moving here to change parties or fear the KCRCC

simply because you say the Central Committee has “limited thinking”.

Newcomers and locals ARE thinking. They are looking for a way to be involved in

protecting this area from your left wing, destructive agenda.

For decades the radical left has been running our local boards – from schools to

the hospital to the library and health districts. We are “woke” in the truest sense

of the word. Here we come with the support and passion of the new community

arrivals….And, has anyone noticed that rabid liberals are scared and freaking out

with the engagement/election of those who do not agree with their reckless votes

against our freedoms and their blood thirst for control?! The Central Committee

is ashamed (no, not ashamed but disgusted by) of and purging those who, like Ms.

Twillman, say they are Republican but don’t support limited government and

accountably elected officials. Those who ignore facts and truth. Those who are

brainwashed and can’t think for themselves. You are NOT welcome to dilute the

strength of our local Republican Party. No, Mr. Regan nor the KCRCC speak for

you. Keep it up KCRCC!"