A Resolution to Condemn the Idaho State Representatives who voted to censure Lt. Colonel Priscilla Giddings

WHEREAS Idaho State Representative Lt. Colonel Priscilla Giddings was using her 1st Amendment rights to share an article published by Redoubt News and written by Shari Dovale, as granted by the US Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land, and is also the 1st Amendment in the Idaho State Constitution; and

WHEREAS the Idaho House of Representatives Ethics Committee acknowledged that Lt. Colonel Priscilla Giddings has the 1st Amendment right to share public information published in the press; and

WHEREAS Idaho State Representatives Addis, Amador, Bedke, Brech, Blanksma, Buddy, Cannon, Chany, Chew, Clow, Crane, Davis, Demordaunt, Dixon, Erickson, Furniss, Galloway, Gibbs, Green, Harris, Hartgen, Horman, Kauffman, Kerby, Lickley, Manwaring, Marshall, Mathias, McCann, McCrostie, Mitchell, Monks, Moyle, Nash, Necochea, Palmer, Rubel, Ruchti, Syme, Toone, Troy, Vander Woude, Weber, Yamamoto and Youngblood knew that Lt. Colonel Priscilla Giddings did not actually make the alleged victim’s name public; and

WHEREAS the Idaho House of Representatives Ethics Committee proceedings and full chamber vote, which were shown on live television and live streamed on YouTube, have brought more attention to the alleged victim’s identity than the article that Lt. Colonel Giddings shared digitally, and

WHEREAS Lt. Colonel Priscilla Giddings is a hero of America’s longer war who served America with honor and distinction, as exemplified by her rank and decorated military career where she put her life on the line daily to protect Americans’ freedoms, and where politicians should not be using her for political gain.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the KCRCC condemns Idaho State Representatives Addis, Amador, Bedke, Brech, Blanksma, Buddy, Cannon, Chany, Chew, Clow, Crane, Davis, Demordaunt, Dixon, Erickson, Furniss, Galloway, Gibbs, Green, Harris, Hartgen, Horman, Kauffman, Kerby, Lickley, Manwaring, Marshall, Mathias, McCann, McCrostie, Mitchell, Monks, Moyle, Nash, Necochea, Palmer, Rubel, Ruchti, Syme, Toone, Troy, Vander Woude, Weber, Yamamoto and Youngblood for censuring Lt. Colonel Gidding and removing her from a committee; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the KCRCC directs the KCRCC Treasurer to donate $3,000 to Lt. Colonel Priscilla Giddings’ 2022 Idaho Lieutenant Gubernatorial campaign.


False Claims about Michael Barnes


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