2022 Idaho Republican Primary Zoldak Research Poll Breakdown: Lt. Governor’s Race

“This post will contain a breakdown of the Lt. Governor’s race that Zoldak Research conducted for the 2022 Idaho Republican Primary on behalf of the Idaho Dispatch.

The poll’s total number of respondents was 575 “Likely” Republican Primary voters. The poll was conducted from December 20 through December 21 with a 4.1% +/- margin of error.

Candidates listed in the poll are House Speaker Scott Bedke and Rep. Priscilla Giddings.

According to the Zoldak Research poll, Bedke leads the race with 35.8% of the vote, Giddings comes in at 14.1% of the vote, and 51% said they were undecided.

With a large percentage of “Undecided” voters in the Lt. Governor’s race, neither candidate is currently polling above 50% + 1 that would be required to win. However, Bedke currently holds a 21% lead over Giddings at the time the poll was conducted.”

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