
The Trump victory has resulted in a seismic shift in the direction of the country. Domestic, regional, international and economic policies have taken a new direction for the better. Trump has accomplished more in the first 100 hours of his administration than other presidents accomplish in their first 100 days.  

The reason for this competency is twofold. First there is Trump himself who has a demonstrated ability to make things move and get stuff done. From Central Park’s Wollman Ice Rink to Trump Tower to The Apprentice to Mar-a-Lago the Trump energy and drive is undeniable. He knows how to put the right people in the right places to accomplish big things.  

The second reason for the speed of the transformation is the fact he had four years to plan. Had the Trump administration continued in 2020 it would have been more of the same harassment by those opposing his agenda. Litigation, accusations and perhaps the most distracting Fake News Hoaxes would have been a sand trap impeding progress. TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, would have remained the primary consequence of the gas lighting and brainwashing proffered by the media. 

The four year Biden Break allowed Trump to respawn. Sure, they continued to harass him with ridiculous legal challenges coordinated by a fully weaponized Department of “Justice” but in between there was time to plan. To identify and enlist people who would actually support the MAGA agenda and, perhaps most importantly, identify the snakes inside the administration. Immortalized in The Apprentice, Trump turned firing people into and art form. Once the target was identified it’s Game Over.  

A critical turning point in Trump’s return was the collapse of the hoax that was the keystone of all the hoaxes. The Fine People Hoax, where Trump allegedly called Charlottesville neo-Nazis “fine people” was generated by the fake news media by selectively editing a video so that key elements were omitted and the video’s message was inverted from the truth. The Fine People Hoax was cited by Biden himself multiple times as the reason for his decision to run for president.  

In June 2024 even the liberal Snopes “fact checker” admitted that Trump never called neo-Nazis “fine people” which was the breach in the dam for the hoax universe. Once Fine People hoax was recognized as a hoax, the others quickly followed. Russian Collusion, Hunter’s laptop, Governor Witmer kidnapping, drinking bleach, border agents whipping migrants, nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago, kids in cages, overfeeding Koi fish, Wuhan lab leak was xenophobic and racist, “mostly peaceful” protests, and Trump overpowered secret service agents in “The Beast” all perished … mostly.  

Once people realized they had been propagandized with fake news their trust in the mainstream media plummeted as Trump’s popularity rose. Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter opened a channel for the truth to flow. Social media influencers went on podcasts to lament they had been fooled and were now on the Trump Train. Trump’s popular vote victory proved this effect. 

Not everyone had been cured of their TDS. Like the WWII Japanese soldiers stationed on remote Pacific islands who continued to fight a long over war, some TDS sufferers persist in clinging to their beliefs, unburdened by the truth of what has been.  

A southeast Idaho lawyer recently took to social media to whine about Trump as a “malignancy” of “cruelty, greed, rancor, and stupidity” and he goes on to wretch “Trump’s overriding goal is to harness the power of the federal government to beat up the most vulnerable among us, criminally prosecute anyone who disagrees with him, eviscerate public education, threaten our important neighbors and trading partners with invasion and financial ruin, pardon the convicted insurrectionists who defiled the Capitol and the Constitution, and make patently dishonest promises to the ignorant populists who elected him, all the while obscenely enriching himself, Elon Musk and the other spineless tech oligarchs who have since sworn fealty to him.” Reality has been abandoned and TDS may be our next mental health crisis. 

That hateful rant was hosted by a fellow whiner and TDS sufferer “XX” who describes himself as a “lifelong conservative Republican” while viscously attacking actual Republicans but curiously not Democrats. I won’t mention XX’s name as he doesn’t deserve the traffic. One of his favorite targets is our Republican Party Chairman, and avid Trump supporter, Dorothy Moon.  

I have served under five Idaho Party chairmen and Dorthy Moon is by far the hardest working and most dedicated. In 2024 alone she organized nearly from scratch a statewide Presidential Caucus for 600,000 Idaho Republicans. She personally conducted Caucus training for many of the county and legislative district committees and oversaw all aspects of the Caucus. After the Caucus came the Primary Election followed by the organizing the State Convention followed by organizing the Republican National Convention delegation followed by the General Election where she coordinated the highly successful statewide fight against Proposition 1. During 2024 alone she logged over 29,000 miles crisscrossing the state in service to the Republican Party, putting in four times the effort of her predecessor all for the annual salary of ZERO. The Republican Chairman position is unpaid. 

XX took to social media to describe her efforts as “eye-popping” “over-the-top” wasteful. He implied that Madam Chair’s hard work was done for her own benefit. Condemning people for working hard is not conservative Republican; it’s the mark of a socialist and well within a TDS diagnosis.   

Despite the winning Trump Effect there will still be a small number of whiners like XX who would do well to remember the adage that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to take to the keyboard and remove all doubt. In the latter case it is best to ignore their blathering. 

It’s just common sense.

January 31st, 2025


Tariff-ic Solution


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