Resolution Affirming Republican Values
WHEREAS, we believe the strength of our nation lies with our faith and reliance on God our Creator, the individual, and the family; and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability, and responsibility must be honored to avoid destruction of individual rights by those who favor the group, the majority, or an all‐ powerful executive; and
WHEREAS, we believe we are inheritors of a distinct Western Civilization and that our traditional culture based in the nuclear family with a male husband, a female wife, and children valued from conception safeguards our identity as a free people along with our time‐tested Constitutional structures based in liberty and due process; and
WHEREAS, we believe in American Exceptionalism, and not in a government giving preferences to people based on their religion, race, sex, socio‐economic status, or transient ideology, but we will always respect the unborn and affirm merit‐based social interactions that are dominated by the private sector and the preservation of private property interests to the exclusion of government dependency; and
WHEREAS, we believe that our Founding Fathers gave us a government that is a servant of the people, not our master, thus the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical societal functions that individuals or private organizations cannot or should not perform until technologically feasible; and
WHEREAS, we believe in a federalist structure with three federal branches, and State governments formed as republics to safeguard individual liberty by dividing governmental powers; and
WHEREAS, Republican economic and social policies have proven durable and beneficial to individual liberty, while Democrats and their allies without such proven policies continue to attempt to falsely tie the Republican Party to various historically destructive movements, attention seekers, and ideologies that are antithetical to the Republican Platform; and
WHEREAS, individuals claiming membership in or affiliation with the Republican Party have publicly promoted such historically destructive ideologies such as Antisemitism, Groyperism, Monarchism, etc. while invoking objectionable philosophies that are antithetical to the Republican Platform in an attempt to falsely tie the Republican Party to such ideologies thereby undermining Idaho’s Republicanism and its proven policy successes; and
WHEREAS, true Republicans wholeheartedly and without reservation uphold the Republican Platform and its proven constitutional principles as guideposts to good, moral, and durable civil government.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that as Republicans we are committed to the republican principles in our Republican Party Platform, that we have and will rate and vet candidates for public office that reject historically destructive ideologies which conflict with principles in the Republican Party Platform; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee Chair shall convey this Resolution to the Chairs of all Idaho Republican Party Central Committees and to all members of the Idaho legislature and the Governor, and to Idaho’s two federal Representatives and Senators with a strong recommendation to continue to provide the encouragement and resources needed to defend our Republican Party Platform and the principles that have brought historic success to the people of Idaho and the United States.
PASSED by the KCRCC April 23rd 2024