Science, MetaBridging physics, and Theology: The Case for Life’s Sacred Beginnings at Fertilization

Whereas, the zinc flash, a scientific phenomenon observed at fertilization, provides a tangible and observable marker that signifies the transition from potential to actual life, symbolically aligning with the imputation of the soul, mind, or consciousness and underscoring the sacredness of fertilization; and 

Whereas, the soul, mind, or consciousness transcend purely physical processes, challenging reductionist materialism and affirming the holistic, divine nature of human existence; and 

Whereas, the U.S. Supreme Court in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern PA. vs. Casey recognized states' rights to regulate abortions based on viability, and the State of Idaho further protects early life through the heartbeat bill, yet emerging scientific evidence such as the zinc flash at fertilization presents a new foundational understanding that life begins at this initial, observable biological event; 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the KCRCC acknowledges the zinc flash during fertilization as the definitive start of human life, with all the rights and protections thereof; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Idaho Statute Title 18, Chapter 6 be updated to enshrine this recognition, ensuring that all related legal and policy frameworks reflect this definition; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution and accompanying supporting documentation be forwarded to the GOP Idaho State Summer Meeting and the Idaho State House & Senate Committees deemed necessary for further action such as the Health and Welfare Committee or State Affairs Committee by the KCRCC Secretary.

Adopted by KCRCC on January 28, 2025


Resolution in Support of Repealing the Corporate Transparency Act


Resolution to Implement a Life Sentence in Prison for Sex Trafficking a Minor in Idaho