News News

Forced Annexation, Proposed Advisory Vote, & Anti-Discrimination Bill - February Town Hall with Kootenai County Legislators

Vito Barbieri brought up forced annexation.

Jim Addis, Mary Souza, and Tony Wisniewski commented on annexation.

Moderator asked what the panel thought of the proposed advisory vote on Urban Renewal Districts in Kootenai County.

Mary Souza, Steve Vick, and Paul Amador spoke.

Anti-Discrimination Bill question - Do you support this bill?

Steve Vick, Vito Barbieri, Don Cheatham, and Mary Souza spoke.

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News News

We Are A Republic

Idaho Republican Platform (Preamble)
We believe the U.S. Constitution is the greatest and most inspired document to govern a nation, and the republican form of government it gives us is the best guarantor of freedom in history.

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