Idahoans Denied Their Basic, Constitutional Rights

WHEREAS, hundreds of American citizens were arrested and dozens are still being held in a jail owned and operated by Congress (itself a violation of the constitutional separation of powers) for charges related to the alleged “insurrection” on January 6th 2021, and;

WHEREAS, many of these citizens have been denied their basic, constitutional rights, to wit:

The right to reasonable bail,

The rights to a speedy trial,

The right to counsel, 

The right to confront their accuser,

The right to examine the evidence against them,

The right to subpoena evidence of exculpatory nature,

The right to decent and humane conditions while incarcerated,

The right to religious services while incarcerated, and;

WHEREAS, reputable sources report treatment tantamount to torture including solitary confinement, beatings and chemical weapons being used against them, food of such poor quality as to be inedible, and a near total isolation (in itself a form of psychological torture) from family, friends, counsel and even medical and religious professional, and;

WHEREAS, this organization has previously via resolution asked our party and elected leaders to act, and;

WHEREAS, whatever actions taken to date have been without any evident or significant impact, now, therefore;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee respectfully and urgently calls on the Attorney General of the Great State of Idaho to bring forward a writ of Habeas Corpus forthwith on behalf of every Idaho citizen still being held in durance vile before the appropriate Federal Court having jurisdiction.

FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Attorney General is respectfully asked to respond to this resolution as soon as possible.

FUTHER, BE IT RESOLVED,  the Secretary of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee conveys this resolution to the Idaho State Attorney General with all dispatch.


Resolution Regarding HB439 Party Affiliation Deadline


First Legislative Town Hall of 2022! All are welcome!