A Resolution Regarding the Proper Role of Government Concerning Free Speech

WHEREAS the Government of the United States of America was instituted to secure the rights of its people, with a system of laws focused on individual rights; and

WHEREAS the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution affirms the God-given right of free speech being enshrined as the first and foremost right protected by the Bill of Rights; and likewise, the Idaho State Constitution guarantees the right to the freedom of speech; and

WHEREAS the freedom of speech is unique to the United States and such right does not exist in other countries, where speech is only allowed by other governments which follows a narrowly-contrived purpose to restrict religious, political, social, and other forms of speech whether factual or contrived, whether from the pulpit or keyboard; and

WHEREAS the Republican Party has always stood against oppressive governments of other countries that persecute people because of their beliefs, thoughts, and the expression of those ideas which contradict the ideologies of the State; and

WHEREAS "Hate Speech" laws have been enacted in the US to turn the exercise of a fundamental right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights into a “hate crime”, imposing severe penalties for such non-violent “crimes”, and in such a way as to deter and chill unpopular or “politically incorrect” forms of speech; and

WHEREAS "Hate Speech" is an arbitrary term that is inherently subjective, biased against some classes of people, selectively enforced, can be raised against anyone without proof required if the opinions expressed are unpopular, and ultimately lead to unequal justice based on political or social considerations; and

WHEREAS laws already exist to protect people from any actual harm, be it physical, economic, or societal, while “Hate Speech” and “Hate Crime” laws seek to regulate thought and perceived intention, are mostly symbolic, and go against the spirit of the First Amendment.

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee and its members believes freedom of speech is paramount to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, for open discourse in the public square, and the principal means of constraining the government and protecting all other freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution; and

LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee urges the Idaho State Legislature to prohibit any "Hate Speech" laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, or extensions thereof in its laws or the laws of the lands, towns, cities or counties which make up the Great State of Idaho, and local governments which have enacted any such language in its ordinances be exhorted to rescind such “hate speech” laws and special enhancements; and

LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee urges Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador to bring legal actions to seek a court order to enjoin the enforcement of unconstitutional hate speech statutes, ordinances or codes that violate the First Amendment; and

LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that this resolution be sent to city councils in Hayden, Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls and Rathdrum, and shall be transmitted to all Idaho legislators and 2024 Idaho legislative candidates with the intended purpose of drafting legislation for the 2025 session that prohibits any "Hate Speech” or “hate crime" laws, statutes, ordinances, or codes.

Adopted by the KCRCC July 23rd 2024


Resolution to Implement a Life Sentence in Prison for Sex Trafficking a Minor in Idaho


Proposition 1 Ranked Choice Voting