Proposition 1 Ranked Choice Voting

WHEREAS, the Idaho Republican Party passed a resolution at the 2023 IDGOP Winter Meeting opposing “any proposals to establish a ranked choice voting scheme for state or local elections and because ‘one person, one vote’ is the best method to represent the will of Idaho voters, the Idaho Republican Party is further committed to upholding the longstanding method of voting by ‘one person, one vote’ by amending the Idaho Constitution to declare ‘one person, one vote’ as the only voting method permitted in Idaho.”

WHEREAS, the Idaho Legislature passed a bill outlawing Ranked Choice Voting in the 2023 Legislative Session now known as Idaho Code 34-903B. Ranked Choice Voting Prohibited.

WHEREAS, during the 2024 IDGOP Convention, the Idaho Republican Party included in the 2024 IDGOP Platform in Article 2: Section 4, “The Idaho Republican Party opposes ranked-choice voting and any other iterations of ranked-choice voting such as STAR voting, ballot exhaustion, and instant run-off.”

WHEREAS, the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States and states in Article I, Section 4, “The Times, Places, and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;” therefore neither the people, the governor, nor the state secretary of state are constitutionally allowed to change any primary or general election.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee unequivocally supports the 2023 IDGOP resolution opposing Ranked Choice Voting, Idaho Code 34-903B, the IDGOP Platform Article 2: Section 4, and the United States Constitution Article 1: Section 4. We also unequivocally oppose Proposition 1-Ranked Choice Voting that is confusing, destroys transparency, is expensive, and does not count all votes.

AND THEREFORE FURTHER BE RESOLVED, that this resolution be sent to the Idaho Attorney General and Kootenai County’s four State Senators and eight State Representatives.

PASSED August 27, 2024


A Resolution Regarding the Proper Role of Government Concerning Free Speech


A Resolution Regarding the Minimum Age for Gender Reassignment Surgeries