A Resolution Regarding the Minimum Age for Gender Reassignment Surgeries

WHEREAS, the health and well-being of our youth is of paramount importance to the future of our community and nation;

WHEREAS, scientific research has demonstrated that the brain continues to develop until the mid-20s, and that pharmaceutical hormone blockers can interfere with this critical development, and may lead to long-term cognitive and behavioral consequences;

WHEREAS, gender reassignment surgeries are irreversible medical procedures that carry significant physical and psychological implications;

WHEREAS, there is ongoing debate and differing opinions within the medical and psychological communities regarding the long-term effects of these procedures;

WHEREAS, the current minimum legal age for gender mutilation should at least align with the minimum legal age required for drinking and smoking;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we urge our federal, state, and local governments to enact legislation raising the minimum legal age for gender reassignment procedures to 21.

Supporters of this resolution include:

Kathy Clark, Melanie Vander Feer, Michael Jehnichen, Brent Regan, Dave Seurynck, Jamie Hass, Tim Skubitz, Steve Cochran, Pierce Duncan, Mary White, Tonya Merritt, Nina Beesley, Will Havercroft, Judy Fujimoto, Luke Sommer, Pierce Clegg, Casey Morrisroe, Tamara Bateson, Kellie Palm, Britt Towery, Randy Hartzell, Charlene Matheson, Charlie Specht, Lori Anderson, David M. Crane, Kara Claridge, Terri Seymour, Justin Schorzman, Joshua Dahlstrom, Marc Stewart, Mary Souza, Dave Raglin, Sid Smith, Randy Neal, Bjorn Handeen, Dan Gookin, Kathleen Tillman, Darin Hayes, Pete Erbland, Todd Pierce, Pam Houser, David Stoltz, Ryan Davis, Jeff Populus, Randy Westlund, Jill Storm, Daniel Fry, John Moore, Paul R. Wagner, Don Eichler, Michael Burgess, Dan Redline, Todd M. Banducci, Tony Wisniewski, Phil Cooper, Michelle Grossglauser, Rob Barrans, Beverly Guenette, Walt Sackman, Chad Ross, Hari Heath, Ken Zaken, Becky Funk, & Jeff Tyler

Dan Sheckler voted against this resolution reasoning that the rights of the individual must be respected. We respect Mr. Sheckler’s freedom of speech and his right to object. His fellow committeemen hold no animus towards him for doing so.

PASSED June 25, 2024


Proposition 1 Ranked Choice Voting


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